Foundation Exam

History Exams Foundation

RSGB - Online Foundation Exam

So all of the playing with a Software Defined Radio, training with Essex Ham and reading through the RSBG manual brings you to an online multiple choice exam.

You begin by booking the exam with your preferred data and time, the RSGB team then email you a confirmation and you are booked in, so far so good.

A few days before the exam you get an email from the invigilator asking you to attend a zoom call where they go over the exam process and make sure your webcam is working etc.

On the day you login into the exam software and a zoom call, invigilator goes over the housekeeping including explaining the process, the fact that he can’t help with any of the answers and checks your ID, then the exam starts.

You go over the multiple-choice questions, review your answers and then submit your paper, you get some immediate feedback giving you your provisional pass and you then give your feedback say your goodbyes in the chat window and leave the zoom call.

You then hold on for a few days for the provisional pass to be validated and you then receive your certificate in the post.